
September 14, 2020

A selection of quotes we like

Dec 21 2021

“history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.”

- Mark Twain?
Feb 15 2021

"uma coisa é certa: cometas, sempre haverá canetas resolvendo rumos remexendo tudo — é como diz o outro: a verdade é uma só: são muitas nossa casa é uma só: são muitas a saudade é uma só: são muitas."

- Rodrigo Lobo Damasceno
Oct 28 2020

"Eu nunca vi uma lasanha falando mal de ninguém"

- Bruna Messina
Jul 28 2020

"If I am not for myself, who is for me? But if I am for my own self [only], what am I? And if not now, when?"

- Hillel the Elder
Jun 29 2020

"Je kontinuierlicher ich mich für einen Weg entscheide, desto mehr wird dieser Weg meinen Charakter beeinflussen."

- ?
Jun 28 2020

"Stop trying to borrow wisdom and think for yourself. Face your difficulties and think and think and think and solve your problems yourself. Suffering and difficulties provide opportunities to become better. Success is never giving up."

- Taiichi Ohnoa
Jun 16 2020

“I am not your typical art historian. I am not your typical activist. I am still learning what art and protest mean to me. And so, this book is more about my journey through art toward activism. This book is about discovery, confusion, and progress.”

- Kimberly Drew
Jun 9 2020

“Writing is like paying myself a formal visit”

- Fernando Pessoa?
Apr 5 2020

"Rewriting is easier than writing because you now have a problem to solve instead of a blinking cursor"

"[When receiving notes] listen for the problem, not the solution"

- Aaron Sorkin
Mar 25 2020

“Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work.”

- Chuck Close
Feb 23 2020

“Go to the Limits of Your Longing; […] / Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. / Just keep going. No feeling is final.” * geh bis an deiner Sehnsucht Rand; […] / Lass dir Alles geschehn: Schönheit und Schrecken. / Man muss nur gehn: Kein Gefühl ist das fernste. * Gott spricht zu jedem nur, eh er ihn macht, / dann geht er schweigend mit ihm aus der Nacht. / Aber die Worte, eh jeder beginnt, / diese wolkigen Worte, sind:

Von deinen Sinnen hinausgesandt, / geh bis an deiner Sehnsucht Rand; / gieb mir Gewand. / Hinter den Dingen wachse als Brand, / dass ihre Schatten, ausgespannt, / immer mich ganz bedecken.

Lass dir Alles geschehn: Schönheit und Schrecken. / Man muss nur gehn: Kein Gefühl ist das fernste. / Lass dich von mir nicht trennen. / Nah ist das Land, / das sie das Leben nennen.

Du wirst es erkennen / an seinem Ernste.

Gieb mir die Hand.

- Rilke
Oct 30 2019

"Happiness is only real when shared"

- Into the wild?
Nov 24 2019

"Good things take time"

- ?
Nov 14 2019

"We are not looking for experts, we are looking for the person in front of us to show up in real ways with what they have"

- ?
Dec 9 2019

"You bake with the flour you have"

- Danish proverb
Sep 25 2019

"The thing with leadership is that no one gives it to you"

- Kaila Colbin
Oct 1 2019

"Sleeping in the same bed and dreaming different dreams"

- Chinese proverb
Jul 29 2019

"Be an explorer of the hearts of those you love. Be curious."

- The Relational Soul
Jul 28 2019

"Under a sky like this, the heart becomes heavy, but the senses become light."

"What do you mean by that?" Mineko asked.

Sanshiro had not meant much of anything by it. Instead of answering her question he said, "It's a comforting, dreamy sort of sky."

"It seems as if it's about to move, but then it never does."

Mineko began watching another far-off cloud.

- Sanshiro
Jul 13 2019

"Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable."

- David W. Augsburger - Caring Enough to Hear and Be Heard
Jul 13 2019

"When you fall in love, it is discovering the ocean / after years of puddle jumping"

- Sarah Kay
May 27 2019

"Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical"

- Yogi Berra
Dec 23 2018

I paint the sky blue, blue / the skirt yellow as the sun / your smile, beautiful. / You I painted sweetest of them all / I paint you on the wall / and there you'll be / like you were / when you loved me.

- Tove Jansson writing to Vivica Bandler